Youth Travel

90-minute workshop: Maximum of 30 participants, minimum age 16 years

In this workshop, participants interactively get to know different options for spending their holidays without their parents, such as International Workcamps, Youth Exchanges, Summer Camps and other interesting possibilities.

This interactive workshop will help answer the following questions:

  • What possibilities are there for young people to travel without their parents?
  • How to meet new peers from other countries through interesting projects?
  • How to spend little money and, at the same time, do something meaningful during school holidays?

In the beginning, we open a space inviting participants to share their own experiences with this kind of youth travel. Through a presentation, we give an overview of different travel opportunities. Subsequently, the participants work in groups to explore one assigned youth travel option. Each group presents their research results in the form of a little performance. For example: "At a party, you meet two old friends. They saw on Instagram that you were on a youth exchange. They want to know more and ask you many questions". In the end, we summarise the most important given information through a Kahoot! Quiz. It can get super fun.