Eco-Friendly School Trip

90-minute workshop: Maximum of 30 participants, minimum age 13 years

After briefly exchanging memories of the last school trip, the participants analyse it in small groups. If the class did not go on a school trip together, they analyse a given school trip programme. Using green, red, and yellow cards, they evaluate individual aspects of the school trip from an environmental point of view. They evaluate the means of transportation, accommodation, catering, mobility and the programme. Beforehand, they receive some basic information on what makes a school trip environmentally friendly and what not. While presenting their results, they learn about human impact on the environment and climate in more detail. Afterwards, the participants work in small groups to develop fictional school trips that are environmentally friendly. Through some guidelines, the planning should be as realistic as possible. Assigned special tasks make it even more interesting. Hopefully, new ideas emerge and maybe some of them can actually be considered for the next school trip.